Health issues on the homefront
I'm telling you, it's ALWAYS something! A few weeks ago, my mom had a stroke and I made the big decision to quit my job and become her fulltime caregiver. I had no problem making this decision ... it's the least I can do for my 89-year-old mom who has devoted most of her adult life to her kids. So, I figured I'd take advantage of this and spend a lot more time working on my website when mom was resting, etc. Well, mom doesn't seem to want to rest too much, so I'm actually finding it difficult to spend too much time at my computer ... but I'm thinking this will change, once I get better at structuring mom's day.
About three months ago, I had quit smoking (since mom was told she had to do this and I figured it would be easier for her if I did it with her) ... then about three weeks ago, the docs told mom "no more caffeine", so I also gave up caffeine. And, last week, I figured this stay-at-home lifestyle might not be too good for my waistline, so I went out and bought a bike. Lately I've been feeling pretty smug, thinking I'm really taking care of myself now. Well, earlier this week, I bought a blood pressure cuff so I could monitor mom's blood pressure and I decided to see what my own blood pressure was and it was off the charts! So, I had to take myself to the docs and now I'm on BP medication and have to go in for a bunch more tests.
Well, I do know I won't be much good at taking care of mom if I'm not taking care of me, so I need to deal with this .... as scarey as it is. I'm trying to think positive and just consider it a wakeup call.
So, now I'm not allowed to ride my new bike until the doc has finished all these tests. Geeez.
Anyway, once all this dust has settled, let's hope I can get some work done at my website. Two big plans are to completely redo the site so it meets all the www3 consortium rules .... and the next biggie is to rewrite all of my eBooks to cover Office 2007, so they are ready once the final version of Office is on the shelves.
Life is indeed tough sometimes ... but I always know there are plenty of other people who have it tougher than me, and I continue to count my blessings.