Wonder if anyone reads this
I sure wish I could tell if anyone was reading this so I would know what kind of stuff to put here. At this point, I seem to be just chattering mindlessly and I think I will get bored with that soon. If I actually KNEW people were reading it, I might make more of an effort to add something interesting. And, if I was SURE no one was reading it, I might make it more personal in nature (tho I can't really imagine using a web interface to share my personal thoughts).
Today I have a loooooong day at work. Well, the actual day isn't too long, but I teach an afternoon class and a night class also, so I might as well just stay at the college (no point in driving all the way home, then turning around in an hour and driving back). But, by the time I'm finished teaching my last class (around 10pm), I'm usually exhausted. Sometimes, I move my car to the way back of the parking lot and take a nap. Cheap damn school doesn't even have a couch in the teacher's lounge :-( (Maybe I should watch what I type here....my luck, the ONLY people who read this are people from the college LOL)
Well, I guess I better get moving here. If anyone out there in cyberspace is reading this, have a WONDERFUL day :-)