I had to uninstall Office 2007 beta :-(
Well, I finally had to make a decision. For some unknown reason, Microsoft will not let me have both the Office 2007 beta and the Expression beta on my computer at the same time. Whenever I have one installed and try to install the other, it tells me that I have to uninstall one of them.
Because it's way more important for me to update my site to meet the new www3consortium requirements and finally get some CSS and XHTML in my thousands of pages, I really need Expression to do this. I tried using Dreamweaver, but it just doesn't seem to click with my personality ... since I'm so used to FrontPage, I have to use either Expression or SharePointServer and the latter is way overkill for my needs.
So, Expression won the contest here. (Why Microsoft won't let me have both Office 2007 and Expression on my machine at the same time is WAY beyond my understanding ... grrrr ... for some reason, it sees them as conflicting versions).
So, until the final release of Office 2007, I guess I just won't be able to run it. But, that's probably a good thing. Getting my site accessibility compliant is far more important and that's where I need to concentrate my efforts at this time. I think I did my fair share of reporting bugs and testing stuff in the Office 2007 beta before it went public, so I think now that it's public and MANY more people are testing it, it's time for me to do what's important for ME.
Now, I just need to find more hours in the day *sigh*