Blog - Linda's Computer Stop

Monday, March 08, 2004

Wonder how many people read these blogs?

OK...this is a is JUST a not adjust your dial LOL

This is a test to see how many people read this blog....since my website allows me to see how many people view any particular page, I'd like to use that feature to test whether anyone reads my blog or if I'm just shooting my mouth off into outer space

If you are reading this, would you mind clicking on this hyperlink so I can see my stats tomorrow. This is a page that doesn't usually get many hits (it's just a list of fun links), so if the hits to this page show as much higher than normal, I can see if people are reading this...thanks to all who try this for me :-)

If this blog actually does get read by many people, I will work real hard to make it worth your while...if it doesn't get many hits, then I'll probably either turn it off or just continue to ramble randomly LOL


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